2025 Reunion Scholarships
If you would like to award a "Scholarship" of any kind to a reunion attendee, click here to fill out the Scholarship Form.
Please save the .pdf file and then email it to wolfventures@outlook.com.
2025 Scholarships:
A $150 reunion scholarship will be awarded to one WAHS student attending the 2025 reunion IN THE MEMORY OF PAT MANWARING. This scholarship is awarded by Bob, Tim and Greg Manwaring in loving memory of their mother and will be awarded during the door prize drawings on Saturday evening.
Melody Price is sponsoring the Photo Booth on Saturday evening In Memory of Richard Price 1975 and Marty Price 1976.
A $150 reunion scholarship has been awarded to Bill Brady, WAHS Class of 1978, by Anonymous.
A 2025 reunion scholarship has been awarded anonymously to Bonnie Batson Alger for her registration fees and a t-shirt IN LOVING MEMORY of her beautiful daughter Courtney Alger.
Mary Hefty, WAHS Class of ‘81, has received a reunion registration fee scholarship and t-shirt fee scholarship from anonymous!
The following were 2022 Scholarships:
A $150 reunion scholarship IN THE MEMORY OF MARTY PRICE, WAHS Class of 1976, has been awarded to Harold Frazier, WAHS Class of 1977. This scholarship is awarded by the Price family.
A $150 reunion scholarship will be awarded to one WAHS student attending the 2022 reunion IN THE MEMORY OF PAT MANWARING. This scholarship is awarded by Bob, Tim and Greg Manwaring family in loving memory of their mother and will be awarded during the door prize drawings on Saturday evening.
A $150 reunion scholarship has been awarded to Peggy Erb, WAHS Class of 1980, by Anonymous, for sharing her bedroom!
A $150 reunion scholarship has been awarded to Gina Hunt, WAHS Class of 1980, by Anonymous, for sharing her mileage!
A $150 reunion scholarship has been awarded to Rosemary Cruz, WAHS Class of 1972, by Anonymous, for sharing her condo!
A round-trip airfare scholarship has been awarded to Harold Frazier, WAHS Class of 1977, by Bill Brady.
A scholarship has been awarded to Harold Frazier, by Anonymous, for Thursday evening Hofbrauhaus expenses.
A scholarship has been awarded to Bob Manwaring for Thursday evenings Hofbrauhaus expenses by the Price family IN THE MEMORY OF MARTY PRICE, WAHS Class of 1976.
A $170 reunion and t-shirt scholarship has been awarded to Cathy Long, WAHS Class of 1981, by Anonymous.
A $170 reunion fee and t-shirt scholarship has been awarded to Dee Dee Sisson, WAHS Class of 1988, by Anonymous.
A $150 room scholarship and a $20 t-shirt scholarship has been awarded to Nancy (Severance) Dyke, WAHS Class of 1976 by Stoney Bair, WAHS Class of 1992.
A $150 reunion fee scholarship has been awarded to Nancy (Severance) Dyke, WAHS Class of 1976 in the Memory of Ken Saville, WAHS Class of 1967 by an anonymous '67 grad!
A $150 reunion fee scholarship has been awarded to Jim Nadeau, WAHS Class of 1969, in the Memory of Mike Chiasson, WAHS Class of 1968 by an anonymous '67 grad!
A $150 scholarship has been awarded to Ricki Lee Brooks, WAHS Class of 1975, from Ronda (Shelley 1977) and Rey Perez.
A $150 reunion scholarship will be awarded to one WAHS 60's decade student attending the 2022 reunion IN THE MEMORY OF HOPE GRANGER, WAHS CLASS OF 1970. This scholarship is awarded by an anonymous '67 grad and will be awarded during the door prize drawings on Saturday evening.
A $150 scholarship has been awarded BY Anonymous to the Würzburg Alumni Association to maintain this website IN THE MEMORY OF BETH (WATERMAN) BEACH, WAHS CLASS OF 1975.
A $150 reunion fee scholarship will be awarded to a Class of 1975 attendee during the door prize drawings on Saturday evening by Ricki Lee Brooks, WAHS Class of 1975 IN THE MEMORY OF BETH (WATERMAN) BEACH.
A $150 reunion fee scholarship has been awarded to Lerenza Chatman, WAHS Class of 1995, by an anonymous grad!
Reunion Trip Saver Group Facebook Page
If you would like to award a 2025 Reunion "Scholarship" of any kind to a reunion attendee,
or sponsor an additional service or event at the reunion,
please contact Bob Manwaring at wolfventures@outlook.com.